Company Logo: Pen & Poet Marketing

Building a brick company website

Creating a central site for Edifice Masonry to let the world know about him and his skills.

Edifice Masonry logo
about me page for edifice masonry


Many people want to design their ideal home, a sanctuary for their loved ones. Too many big construction companies can't articulate how to address this need. They often focus too much on the specific details and technical aspects of the projects, while not emphasizing the buyer's ideals and hopes they get from their shelter and structures. They often focus too much on the specific details and technical aspects of the projects, while not emphasizing the buyer's ideals and hopes they get from their shelter and structures.


Adrian Schmidt wanted to position his brand to engage readers and show why people love working with him. We set out to inform his readers with clear conversational copy and show off his responsible, artistic, and professional demeanour.

services page for edifice masonry
yellow and white round plastic


After speaking with Adrian, researching competitors and reading about clients of construction companies, I saw a path to set Adrian apart and communicate the Edifice Masonry experience.

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